New Tow Bars

New Tow Bars

As you might know when a new vehicle model is made it takes time for tow bar manufacturers to design and develop a new aftermarket tow bar. In fact, the tow bar development and production is only one part of the tow bar package. New vehicles also need a...
Hard to Find Towbars

Hard to Find Towbars

We’ve had another hectic week at Ultimate Towbars, Summer has arrived at last and everyone seems to want a tow bar so they can get out and make the most of our lovely weather. This week we’ve had a few requests from people struggling to find a tow bar or...


We’re adding BRINK TOWBARS to our range! If you don’t know, BRINK towbars then keep reading… Brink is a global market leader in designing, producing tow bars for both leading car manufacturers and professional tow bar fitting companies. With over two...