Spring is starting to spring, and we’re all looking forward to brighter evenings and warmer sunny days.
March is the ideal time to get your towbar fitted. It’s just before the towbar season kicks off and just before the towbar manufacturers’ annual price increases on April 1st.
Opening Hours.
We are now open on Saturday mornings. Our opening times are now 8.30 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday, plus Saturday mornings.
Volkswagen Audi Group (VAG) software updates…
Aftermarket tow bar fitting is still being affected by the software access problem on new VAG vehicles.
It appears that currently, software updates to all late 2024 and 2025 VAG vehicles is not possible due to the encryption algorithm they are using on their vehicles. VAG have used a secure encryption code that is required to access the software and up to now they have not given access to the aftermarket, this includes VAG dealerships.
According to the company that supplies us with vehicle coding, VAG is due to release the encryption keys at any time now. (An update will be published once this happens.
For the moment, we are fitting customer vehicles with the approved tow bar electrics and will be going out to update the vehicle software once the update is available.
Volkswagen T7 Towbar.
Tow-trust is now manufacturing a tow bar for the VW T7, these are available in fixed flange, fixed swan neck and detachable versions. The approved dedicated vehicle-specific electrics are also now available. Contact us for prices.
Cycle Carriers
We now have available to order the TRACC tow bar-mounted cycle carriers. At the prices we have them for the stock won’t last long. Get in touch to make sure you don’t miss out.
Tow store…
We’re getting stock together in order to offer supply only on towing parts. From buying a replacement electrical socket to buying the latest towbar. Competitive prices and delivery will be available for those living outside of the Sheffield area. For those local to us, parts collection will be possible.
If you’re looking to tow for April, then now is the time to get your towbar fitted.
Get in touch for a competitive price and expert fitting from our mobile tow bar fitting experts.
Team Ultimate Towbars