Commercial and Motor Trade Towbar Fitting
Well known for our excellent high-quality domestic tow bar fitting we also offer commercial and motor trade tow bar fitting. Why should you choose Ultimate Towbars to supply and fit your towbars? We ONLY fit type-approved towbars, sourced from the UK's best-quality...
Smart motorways may be smarter than you think. Bristling with technology, SMART motorways use the latest available tech to keep drivers safe. Speed cameras that can track the average speed of a vehicle, ANPR cameras that log the vehicle's number plate and report...
Buying a New Car for Towing.
With the increase in sales of hybrid and all-electric vehicles, there appear to be many cars being sold that are not suitable for towing, even though the salesperson was informed the car would be used for towing. The big problem is that most car salespeople know very...
Tow Bar Questions and Answers
Got a question about tow bars or tow bar wiring? You can find the answer or ask us a question below... Do I need to put grease on my new tow bar? For bike racks and ALKO caravan hitches, DO NOT put grease on the tow ball. For these applications, removing the paint...
There's a buzz in the air and it's all about the new offering from Volkswagen, the new and innovative ID BUZZ. Designed with the original VW transporter in mind the Buzz certainly has reminiscent looks that will no doubt massively appeal to fans of the VW transporter...
13 or 7 pin Tow Bar Wiring?
You may think choosing either 13-pin or 7-pin towing electrics is as simple as looking at the plug on your trailer, caravan or bike carrier. Before you make a choice keep reading... There are a couple of features that are included in the 13-pin tow bar wiring that...
Fitting a Used Towbar
Buying and fitting a used tow bar, or even transferring a tow bar might seem a great money-saving idea, but before you go ahead read this... There's a large amount of second-hand tow bars changing hands on eBay and social media selling pages, many of them taken from a...
Tow Bar Fitting Fault
Tow bar fitting faults and what you should do... Lately, we have been receiving multiple daily calls from people asking us to rectify faults with their tow bars and associated wiring that has been fitted by other companies or independent tow bar fitters. the calls...
Towbars and Insurance
You've had a tow bar fitted and are wondering about insurance... If you are having a tow bar fitted, or have had a tow bar fitted then it is advisable to contact your insurance company to inform them. Usually, there is no extra charge, but this depends on your...